Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.
– Ibn Battuta
Guess that’s why I am here. Turning into a storyteller and sharing my experiences and memories of the various travels I have been on, sharing tips so you have a better experience and to dream together of travels in the future !
My name is Swati and I am happy to meet you here. Thanks for swinging by.
I am from India and I will share with you stories about the awesomeness of places in my country I visit. As a world traveler, I will also share with you the other amazing places I would love to travel and explore.
I have to be thankful to my parents for this travel lust. During my growing up years, we moved as a family every 3 years, living in different states of the country, making new friends ever so frequently. Having had an early exposure to traveling, I never let go of an opportunity now. In fact, I create many every year, to go explore a new place I have never been to.
I love the entire process of travel – exploring, planning, booking, building excitement by sharing tidbits about the places on the itinerary with family. And the reward ? The expression of wonder and joy I see in the eyes of my little ones. I hope they grow up to be world citizens and enjoy traveling as much as I do.
I consider myself fortunate to have a partner, who is equally excited to be on these trips , As long as the planning is taken care of !
Meet my family who supports my travel needs (and enjoy it as much as I do)

The family that travels together – stays together 😉
I’ve started this blog to share my experiences, memories via my photos and my feelings as I explore new places. I hope you enjoy this with me and are inspired to travel more.